Gritty, Bold, & Bitterly Honest: Karilyo’s

New ‘Alak’ Music Video

Out Now

Widescope Advertising Agency

By Leanne Macalalad

In an era when “Shot puno!” and “Alak pa!” have become normalized expressions among the Filipino youth, these two Gen Z OPM artists are making a statement.

Karilyo launched their latest single, ‘Alak’ in 2024 and it’s already started to create buzz around the message behind it—lying just in between the song’s gritty sound and evocative lyrics. It’s one thing to hear about the drastic effects of alcohol abuse from parents, teachers, and elders; but to have it come from two young guys who are just like the familiar faces we see around campus? Now, that’s worth looking into.

Widescope Entertainment is proud to announce that listeners and fans can now dive deeper into the narrative of ‘Alak’ with the release of its music video this February.

Set in the busy streets of Tondo, Manila, we witness a visual spectacle of an eerily familiar scenario: a scolding between father and son. The story immerses us into the confining vicious cycle one goes through when they bind themselves to a literal toxic relationship with alcohol. It shows us the subtle yet dramatic transition when opening that bottle turns from choice… to a lifestyle. If we take a closer look, the tragedy lies not within the effects of alcohol towards the drinker, but on its effects towards the drinker’s relationships and loved ones.

If that hasn’t made your jaw drop just yet, we have an exciting announcement for you: There will be a DIRECTOR’S CUT of the ‘Alak’ music video, and it’s currently in the works to be released soon!

Is there more to the story? An easter egg we might have missed? Find out soon when you stay tuned to Karilyo’s upcoming surprises with Widescope Entertainment!

Stream ‘Alak’ music video OUT NOW on YouTube:

Widescope Entertainment 


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